Path of Exile Easy Scrolls of Wisdom

First post - I'm really sorry if it's totally dumb, ok?

I'm finding too much blue and yellow stuff to ID. I go out to find more white gear, to sell for scroll fragments to make more scrolls, but while I'm doing that I find more blues and yellows. Even if I sell every single piece of white trash I'm falling further and further behind - I have whole stash tabs of stuff needing ID.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better/easier way to ID stuff? Or just a better way to get more scrolls than farming for whites for fragments?

Like I said, really sorry if this is stupid - new to this game.

Any advice appreciated.

identify only yellow items.. and after an hour you will be fine again..

Poe 2.0 new trailers when?

Blacksmith whetstones vendor for 7 wisdoms.

Don't ID all the shit you get either.

I rarely bother IDing magic items unless it's a possible upgrade to what I'm wearing or a better gem configuration. I'll always ID a Rare.

And this is why I have about 300 Scrolls of Wisdom. Which I should really up-trade with, but the buying UI sucks balls.

You'll find after some time that it's not really necessary to ID everything you find. You get to a tipping-point with your gear, that in most cases only rares (yellows) are worth IDing any more.

Until that time, or if you do really want to ID everything, you can sell some items to the vendors for Scrolls of Wisdom. Try selling Armourers Scraps or Blacksmith Whetstones.

Thanks for all the replies - I hadn't thought of selling whetstones/scraps, I've been hoarding them for when I want to buff really nice kit up to +20%.

While I can see that it's not necessary to ID stuff from a usage standpoint, it almost always makes economic sense:

1 unIDd blue sells for 1/10th of a transmutation orb (2 shards)

1 ID'd blue sells for
- 1 scroll fragment (about 5-10%) - this is 1/105th of a trans orb, basically worthless
- 1 alteration shard - this is worth 8x as much as 2 trans shards, i.e 4/5ths of an orb
- up to 6 alt shards (worth nearly 5 trans orbs)
- the occasional alchemy shard (worth 64 alt shards or 256 trans shards)

So in currency terms the net expected value of an IDd blue is way higher than 2 trans shards, even after the cost of the wisdom scroll and allowing for the occasional worthless one.

Ho hum.

Portal scrolls sell for a wisdom scroll each. I've gotten around ID-ing lots of blue items i find just to get more alteration shards, since i had lots of scrolls of wisdom, too. Now i have ~400 portal scrolls i can still vendor into wisdom scrolls..

Shoep - Default league Ranger
Peohs - Any other class or character i play.
Jhuvik - My Marauder
Merialeth - My witch


Ikagawa wrote:

And this is why I have about 300 Scrolls of Wisdom. Which I should really up-trade with, but the buying UI sucks balls.

Can't argue with you there. What I have done to make it less tedious though is after you buy a bunch of whatever it is you are buying.. instead of stacking them in your inventory, just go to your stash and cntrol click on every item to move it over to the stash and it will auto stack that way. Much quicker clean up.

In Wraeclast, if someone tries to kill you... you just kill them right back.

Last edited by Trapperkeeper on Feb 19, 2013, 9:56:06 PM

Time is money. Ask yourself this, is it worth spending all that time ID´ing every single blue item and teleporting back and forth to town to sell them, instead of using that time to level up faster and access the more rewarding content?

Lvl 58 Power Siphon Witch

@OP when you reach around lvl 5-7 you should have enough wisdom scrolls to last you.
Just keep picking up stuff off the floor and sell it.


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